Monday, September 22, 2008

MBA internships and MBA opportunities

One of the things that is more than likely to happen this year is that, there will be a ton of talk about recession. Of course, when there is a recession everybody likes to talk about it and all the problems that come with it. As we search for MBA internships and MBA opportunities people will spend all their time talking about the recession and how there are no jobs for MBA students. In fact, people will do it in groups and those groups will become larger, and everybody wants to be part of the conversation because it is the HOT TOPIC of the moment. And of course, people will all sit around talking about how to overcome this.

Well, here’s the simple answer that doesn’t make logical sense, but really is the simple truth. Don’t’ be part of the conversation. What you don’t realize is you’re magnetizing this very experience into your life because your energy is all about the recession. I can speak first hand from the search for my MBA intern position. I was doing really well and got thrown off quite a bit when I didn’t get the first job I really wanted. For about 2 weeks I put intense amounts of negativity into Pepperdine Career Services, and more. During that time I could send out the most stellar cover letter or resume and would get no responses.

When I decided to let go, and focus on the positive, a week later I got the job I have today. Then I got another offer the following week, which never even bothered, with a reference check. That offer was from Yahoo. So, my lesson for today is to keep your energy in check throughout your business school career.

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